The week started with a Christmas Ceilidh with my mountaineering club, thus adding another type of exercise to my tally, bringing me to 6. It was a fantastic evening, with a great band and some of the more unusual Ceilidh dances. In addition to the normal Gay Gordons and Strip the Willow, we also did dances where the guys had to pretend to be rutting stags, complete with growling, and another where we galloped around the room at will, until they shouted find a circle and you had to grab the nearest people you could find. I also ended up with ceilidh bruising, from doing a ‘basket,’ or ‘helicopter’ as Matt calls it, where 2 men and 2 ladies form a tight circle with arms round shoulders, and spin around until the ladies feet come off the floor.
The next day saw a Christmas meal at a fellow mountaineers house. He provided the turkey and few other staples, while other guests brought the rest. Matt cooked 40 pigs in blankets, although he was disappointed at the way the bacon shrank when it cooked, so they became ‘pigs in scarfs’ and we also made some cheese straws (unfortunately I do these fairly often, so it didn’t count as a recipe for my challenge. ) While at the party, I engaged in the festive spirit, with some sherry and also some champagne, adding to my ‘try 30 alcohol drinks.’ We also watched the film ‘Elf’ to get into the Christmas spirit, and as it’s a film I’ve never seen before, it counts towards the 30 new films tally, bringing that one to 6. I also had a chance to educate an American on how Christmas should be done. She’d never heard of Trifle, Christmas Pudding, Devils on Horseback, Christmas Cake, Christmas Crackers and quite a few other Christmas traditions. She even said they don’t normally have turkey!
Both occasions also seemed appropriate opportunities to do something different to my hair, so I found a handy clip to keep the hair of the back of my neck while getting sweaty at the ceilidh, although I did look like a flamenco dancer and I actually put some time and effort into using curling tongs for the Christmas meal. Although the curls looked equal lengths in the mirror, I could not get them to look equal lengths in the photo!
Things I’ve learnt this week:
- Christmas is a lot about the tree. I’ve turned into a Christmas Tree snob and find myself criticising other people’s tree attempts on facebook. I’m dreading if I ever have kids and have to let them join in the decorating as they won’t understand that it’s a precision task….
- Christmas in America sounds rubbish. Thankfully, they have Thanksgiving which seems to have more tradition to it.
- There is actually a Scottish Country Dancing championship, and its international!