So, the 5 weeks have been fairly busy with work. This saw me complete my 30 nights under canvass, with a few nights spare too…..this was a challenge I thought was going to be really difficult to complete when I started! The nights were on another 2 DofE expeditions, and a training expedition in the Peak district for the Arctic treks that I’m leading next year. I now also have 4 nights in hand, covering some of the slightly dubious camping I did in Sri Lanka… a ‘tent’ but with a proper bed, table, bedside lamp etc. Through my work, I have also been walking at least 30 minutes a week (sometimes a lot more!) which is another one of my challenge items.
I also completed 2 colouring pictures in this time, and read some books, including the slightly weird Beside Myself, about twins swapping places and then one twin refusing to swap back, the delightfully cheerful ‘The Blue Day Book’ and the funny ‘The Ladybird Book of Mindfulness.’
- Anyone got any suggestions for some really good, thrilling, page turning books as I’ve got 2 left to go?
- Anyone for badminton or table tennis or another sport? I’ve got 2 more types of exercise to include.
- Anyone up for a mammoth munro bagging expedition before November 3rd…?